Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


Microsoft MVP 2021-2022

It is the 4th time that I have been awarded by Microsoft MVP title. This year also in two categories AI and Azure. This year is very important for me due to COVID time and total revolution in community organization. I especially miss face-to-face meetings and workshops. I hope that soon we will back to the situation from before COVID.

By |2021-07-13T23:32:00+02:0013 July 2021 |Categories: Software development|Tags: |0 Comments

Microsoft MVP 2020 – 2021

And we have July again. Month in which Microsoft is sharing information about renomination in MVP program. And it happened again. I have been nominated again to Microsoft MVP program. This time in two categories – AI and Azure. So this time, charging energy for working for the community has been doubled.

By |2020-07-01T22:58:47+02:001 July 2020 |Categories: Software development|Tags: |0 Comments

MVP conception

Many people connect MVP abbreviation with distinction provided by Microsoft or model-view-presenter pattern. But this is not a thing that I would describe in this post. I will continue topics connected with mobile application creation. To be more precisely – this post is about conception that is named minimum viable product. I can give you many examples of ideas or projects which didn’t achieve success on global market even that they had a great potential. In case of each project reason of failure was different. Sometimes somebody has managed to release similar project to market before our solution have been [...]

By |2014-04-28T09:44:11+02:0028 April 2014 |Categories: Mobile applications|Tags: |1 Comment
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