Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


How to run Azure Cognitive Services in containers?

Azure Cognitive Services is one of prebuild products that allows us to add AI to our application very quickly. You can develop AI features without the required help of a data scientist. In most cases, you are using the cloud version of this service. When just after creating a service, you can connect to is by library or API. When to use containers? In some cases, this is not enough. You would like better control your data, smaller latency, higher throughput, or improved scalability. These characteristics are the most important for me when I think about moving those services to [...]

By |2021-08-09T18:59:45+02:009 August 2021 |Categories: Cloud|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Azure cloud cost optimisation: Autoscaling Azure SQL database by Logic Apps

Azure cloud gives you a lot of possibilities of adjusting used services to your needs. It means that you are able to adjust the costs of used resources. In the cloud, you are able to use a lot of auto-tuning options that are working right out of the box. Together with that, there are plenty of possibilities to do in the way that you will have the whole control over the process. Today I will focus on Azure SQL database. […]

By |2021-02-03T07:53:01+01:003 February 2021 |Categories: Cloud|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Hands-on Azure DevOps – 4Developers Kraków 2019

During this recording, you can learn how to use Azure DevOps for Azure environment provisioning, a compilation of application and releasing it to cloud. Also, you will learn what the blue-green deployment is and how to configure it in Azure DevOps.

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