It is a program that allows you to easily and quickly split PDF file. Three simple steps are needed, to split PDF document into separate documents. First, we must add file you would like to split to the program. This can be done using the Add file button. Then you need to provide information which pages should be extracted. The last step is splitting file. To do this, click Split PDF button.
And most importantly, the program is entirely free.
Key Features
This application can be used for commercial purposes without any limitations. The application will add as the last page of document information that this document has been created with PDF Combiner.
For people who will support this application, the mentioned page will not be added in PDF Combiner and PDF Splitter to the document for a year.
Please just a few minutes and restart the application. It can take up to 15 minutes to update the configuration of the application. You will notice that Donate button will disappear and additional information in the title bar will be presented.
If this still will not work please contact me. Please remember to include the Computer ID from the About window in the mail.
The page with information about the application is not being added into documents for everybody who supported application. To do that you can press Donate button and as a thank you the mentioned page will not be added until a year.

Change log
Version 2.4
- Added the ability to rotate pages in separated documents
- Added information about the donation
Version 2.3
- Automatic license update after Computer Id change.
Version 2.0
- Added support for new versions of PDF files.
Version 1.0
- First version.
Dzień dobry,
jak podzielić 3 stronicowy plik na 3 oddzielne pliki jednocześnie? Czy jest taka możliwość? Wskazuję plik, naciskam Split, pyta o miejsce zapisani pliku / ów i rozdziela dokument na 3 oddzielne strony.
W oknie aplikacji może ustawić zakres stron poszczególnych plików. Strony mogą się powatarzać.