Project Description
The best T9 application.
The best substitution for default messaging app with support for 31 languages.
Do you remember how fast have you written SMS with T9 keyboard on your previous phones? This application will bring back this feature to Windows Phone. You will be able to send SMSes and write messages to social portals using T9 keyboard instead of normal Windows Phone keyboard.
For each of 31 supported languages list of 50000 most common words have been prepared. Of course you can always add new words to dictionary.
After first usages of this application you will never want to get back to default one.
Supported languages: Albanian, Bulgarian, Czech, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Indonesian, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Latin), Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian.
- Main screen
- Message
- New word
- Menu
- Word manager
- Settings
- About
Change log:
Version 1.4:
- prediction algorithm improvements.
Version 1.3:
- ‘€’ and ‘£’ added to symbols.
Version 1.2:
- changing letter assignment for Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish – letters “æäåöø” are now assigned to 9.
Version 1.1:
- 3 new languages (Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian),
- add unknown number as recipient,
- removal of national characters from message,
- more ergonomic space,
- possibility to copy entered message,
- improved algorithm.
witam czy jezeli wejde w aplikacje to moge odrazu z niej wysylac sms ? i czy sms ktore do mnie przyjda beda sie zapisywaly w aplikacji ? albo moje sms ktore wysle beda sie zapisywaly w aplikacji badz telefonie w normlanych wiadomosciach ?
Proszę spróbować poużywać wersję demonstracyjną aplikacji.
Natomiast odpowiadając na pytania -- smsy wysyłane oraz odbierane są przez normalny program wiadomości. Tam też znajdzie się cała korespondencja. Program T9 umożliwia szybkie wpisywanie wiadomości.
All words with Danish characters æ ø å
are not suggested by t9
Æble Øre Bør gør går gået and so on
All those letters (æ, ø, å) are assigned to 9. Please press this button and you will be able to write mentioned words.
E.g.: Æble -- 9253.
Danish wordprediction not working properly
Words like gået fået not suggested.
Have tried other settings