Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl

Rapid development

OstraPiła – Low Code/No Code – A co to takiego?

Zapraszam do odsłuchania podcastu Ostra Piła prowadzonego przez Pawła Łukasika oraz Jarosława Stadnickiego. W 65 odcinku rozmawialiśmy o platformach low-code / no-code. Oczywiście poruszyliśmy podstawowe tematy – co to jest low-code? Jakie są platformy i ich możliwości? Jak i te bardziej zaawansowane - zastanawialiśmy się też, czy powinniśmy się obawiać tej technologii? Czy zrewolucjonizuje ona sposób wytwarzania oprogramowania? Zapraszam do odsłuchania naszej dyskusji!

By |2020-12-23T19:46:05+01:0028 grudnia 2020 |Kategorie: Low-code|Tagi: , |0 komentarzy

ANG: Top 5 Benefits of Low Code Platforms for Enterprises

In the scope of the IT division, it generated the enormous portion of the demand from business and additional workload. It was hard to support that demand. Every new request increased backlog. Not only it was hard to support those request by present resources. It was also challenging to find new employees on the market – there was a lack of available specialists, or people have skills gaps.

By |2020-12-22T17:14:35+01:0022 grudnia 2020 |Kategorie: Low-code|Tagi: , |0 komentarzy

ANG: How to reduce the cost of start-up preparation with low-code? – Mendix Startup Program

When you are starting a project or a start-up, you are trying to figure out how much it will cost. There are multiple ways of doing that. You can look at similar projects, try to prepare ROM (Rough Order of Magnitude) estimation or a very detailed one. In most cases, you will get a number of hours that you should multiply by the hourly rate. And you will get the total cost.

By |2020-10-29T17:52:20+01:0029 października 2020 |Kategorie: Low-code|Tagi: , , |0 komentarzy
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