Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


The first impression…

Nothing sets customers or users attitude on our product as the first impression. It can be achieved in various ways, but it is done mostly by advertising. Those ads show us why we need this unique product. Such well settled positive attitude should be sustained in daily usage of product. During those path there are two more stops: purchase – sometimes this stage is ignored, especially when purchase is made by web, unboxing. In both cases I think Apple should be identified as the leader. This can be seen when we enter to the iStore. From the beginning we can [...]

By |2019-03-10T17:00:40+01:004 April 2013 |Categories: Other|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Interview with Nikola Mihaylov

This time I want to encourage you to watch video from Channel9. It is an interview with Nikola Mihaylov – the software developer of the Fantasia Painter. It is one of the best image editor available for Windows Phone. Like me, Nikola has a slight obsession with an application performance. During 24 minutes talk, we can find a lot of tips how to create high performance application on the Windows Phone platform.

By |2012-10-01T06:56:26+02:001 October 2012 |Categories: Other|Tags: , , |0 Comments

New things in Windows Phone 8

Yesterday, Microsoft announced a new version of Windows Phone. Those of you, who expected revolutionary information, may feel slightly disappointed. Microsoft has confirmed only all information that has been already published on the Internet as rumours. The key message was presented at the end of conference – Windows Phone 7 devices will not receive a full update to Windows Phone 8. There will be only update to something what is called Windows Phone 7.8. This version should look and behave like Windows Phone 8. Unfortunately this will not be full version of Windows Phone 8. I also wonder how that [...]

By |2019-03-10T17:04:37+01:0021 June 2012 |Categories: Other|Tags: , |0 Comments

Most important is the idea…

I think that everyone who develop and share its software do this to achieve profits in long term. For one person satisfaction can be a profit. Somebody else wants to earn some money. In the case of Windows Phone developer can earn money by selling its application or publish ads. Both ways are extremely simple to implement. The only one problem is to find great number of people who will use our application. After looking at the analysis of application on Windows Phone Marketplace, we can discover that list of people who have succeed is very short. Moreover, we cannot [...]

By |2019-03-10T17:06:21+01:008 June 2012 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , |0 Comments

How to create Metro style applications?

Today, there will be not much text. I want to invite you to familiarize yourself with the presentation "Developing Applications Using Microsoft's Metro for Windows Phone”. The author discusses how to create compatible applications with Metro UI for platform Windows Phone 7. I hope, that you will not regret the hours spent to the presentation.

By |2012-06-18T21:43:11+02:0012 March 2012 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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