By Michał Jankowski|2019-11-17T08:37:27+01:0017 November 2019 |Categories: Conferences / Presentations, Video|Tags: Azure, Azure Functions, Serverless|0 Comments
Serverless Azure. WROC# online & workshops
Today at 17:00 you will be able to attend an online session about Serverless and Azure Functions. I will cover main concepts related to those elements. It will be available on WROC# Online channel.
.net DD 2016 – materials
Since few weeks ago it is possible to watch sessions from .NET DeveloperDays 2016 on YouTube channel. I think that the best speaker of that conference edition was Ted Neward. I recommend his closing keynote session. It was really great. It is hard to say that this session was technical one. I would rather say that it was more philosophical. During it Ted showed importance of context in scope of taking correct decisions. He provided a lot examples that showed difficultness of taking this one correct solution / decision. It is hard to describe it. I recommend you to watch it.
Sometimes you need to have a bit luck to achieve a success. We can speak about such luck in case of Sphero. A company that is known from production of small robot toys that you are able to control by mobile phone. But before September 8th 2015 probably only technology geeks knew this company. And it was also hard to say that this company achieved success – they managed to sold about 500 000 robots in 4 years. Such kind of luck for Sphero was new episode of Star Wars. In new episode a new robot BB-8 has been introduced. And [...]
Unusual way of controlling the application
It seems that we have seen already all ways of controlling our application. But sometimes you can find new approach for already known issues. As an example we should look at innovative way of controlling application used in Sax app. This is next application that is simulating some musical instrument. It this case it is a saxophone. But in this case you use the whole phone to control the application. As it is in other apps you need to tap the screen to get some sounds. The new thing is adding gyroscope to this process. Each change of the position of [...]
Poland – come and complain
In Internet you can find new campaign that promotes Poland and Polish culture in a rather unusual way. The campaign tries to promote Poland by showing ironic movies that base on stereotype that Poles constantly complains. Movies are made professionally and caused smile on my face. But on the other hand I wonder, whether foreign tourists will be able to understand the joke.
Taxi5 – Case Study
I would like to encourage you to watch one of the sessions from this year’s infoShare. The session shows how the Taxi5 application has been created. Presented start-up has secured the biggest financing in mobile applications market in Poland – 2 million PLN.