Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl

Windows Phone

CameraCaptureTask debugging

During application development very often developers need to check how application works. Sometimes only running application on phone is needed, sometimes developer needs to check code line by line in Visual Studio in debug session. In very rare scenarios, some problems can occur, that makes testing difficulty. I think that normal Windows Phone user gets used to that after connecting phone to computer by USB some features are being disabled. User cannot browse the Marketplace, take pictures, shoot movies, etc. The same restrictions apply to the software developer who wants to check how his application works. […]

By |2012-06-25T22:23:27+02:0025 June 2012 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Windows Phone 8 premiere

Today another Microsoft product will have premiere. During the conference, Windows Phone Summit in San Francisco, Windows Phone 8 will be unveiled. I hope it will finally dispel any doubts about updates already available phones with Windows Phone 7.5 to the latest version. The conference will begin at 18.00 Polish time. Everybody will be able to follow it live on Channel 9.

By |2012-06-20T10:41:08+02:0020 June 2012 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , |0 Comments

StringFormat, XAML and Windows Phone

Daily work with the platform Windows Phone brings many surprises. Very often you can meet with the situation, that many things are unspoken in the documentation and the programmer must by himself discover how something works. Update Mango for Windows Phone introduced a new version of Silverlight for platform. This update has added the ability to use StringFormat the data binding in a file XAML. Using this additional option is very simple: <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Value, StringFormat=Currency: {0:c}}"/> After this line you should see the number formatted as a currency. The result when you run this code do not fully [...]

Checking availability of the network

Currently created mobile applications can not run without Internet connection. We can provide unlimited number of usage examples of data transmission in applications. We are only limited by our imagination. By implementing this type of solution in applications, we very often forget about small thing, that network check query can be performed. This tiny thing is to check, if the phone has access to the network. Getting positive information about access to the network does not guarantee us, that we will have Internet connection. This information may be used to support situations that network is unavailable. […]

By |2012-05-25T07:49:11+02:0012 April 2012 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , |2 Comments

Kursy Walut 1.3

Today I am pleased to announce publication of a new version of application Kursy Walut. New version of program has introduced new functions, that significantly enhance the comfort of working with the program. The most important are: add information about the level of exchange rate changes, the information about historical exchange rates, which can be presented in a chart or table, introducing currency converter, change the tiles on the home screen by more readable one, adding synchronization for archival currency rates.

By |2012-06-05T06:19:29+02:0030 March 2012 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , |0 Comments

SpeedDial 1.3

Some time ago there were two updates of application SpeedDial. Due to lack of time, the news of these events has been posted today. The biggest changes were made to the engine application. This resulted in, that the application runs much faster, from previous versions. In some cases the performance is more than one hundred times greater. […]

By |2012-06-04T23:06:04+02:0027 March 2012 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , |0 Comments

Windows Phone SDK 7.1.1

All signs point, that Microsoft is getting closer to releasing the latest update for platform Windows Phone. From today there is available for download a new version of SDK which should be used for developing applications on the platform Windows Phone 7. As for the changes, this final version does not differ significantly from what was presented in the version CPT. In total, compared to the previous official version there are also only, cosmetic changes, that allow you to create and test applications for phones with less memory. Most important changes are: ability to create and test applications for the [...]

By |2012-05-26T11:17:29+02:0026 March 2012 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , |0 Comments
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