Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl

mobile applications

My first million – InfoMEET

I would like to invite you for my presentation that would be conducted on Saturday (26.10) on InfoMEET in Wrocław. During the presentation I would like to share with you knowledge about how to earn money from mobile applications creation. Despite the fact that I work with Windows Phone most of the time, I would like to show common topics for all platforms. After the lecture you should have knowledge about how to plan and realize new mobile application creation project. [shareaholic app="share_buttons" id="252298"]

There is still far way to mobile revolution

Polish society is using more often new technologies. Tablets and smartphones are not luxury devices any more. Those kinds of devices try to start revolution in our houses. In particular, we can see an example of such revolution in new start-ups. Many new start-up aims to create a new mobile product. Unfortunately not always everything goes as it is planned. New start-ups try to help us with daily’s duties, e.g. to order taxi, food, tickets, …. In such scenarios the most important thing is a reliable business partner. But not only. […]

By |2013-09-25T11:24:42+02:0024 September 2013 |Categories: Other|Tags: , |2 Comments

DVLUP vs. CodeGuru.pl competition

From the early beginning Microsoft is trying to attract developers to create applications on devices with Windows Phone and Windows 8 operating system. In Poland Microsoft organised trainings regarding those platforms, sold a bit cheaper devices for developers and organised few competitions together with CodeGuru.pl. I have managed to won my first Windows Phone device and XBox in one of that competitions. But from my point something has been missed if I compare Poland to other countries. For example in USA, Canada or Australia developer need to write only 2 applications and can get free device from Microsoft. Sometimes he [...]

By |2020-12-20T23:38:02+01:0012 September 2013 |Categories: Other, Other|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

T9 Keyboard 1.1

In next few days new version of application will be available in Windows Phone Store. Below you can find the important changes: - 3 new languages (Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian),- add unknown number as a recipient,- removal of national characters from message,- more ergonomic space button,- possibility to copy entered message,- improved algorithm.

By |2013-09-01T15:35:47+02:0014 August 2013 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , , |0 Comments

T9 Keyboard 1.0

Since last Thursday there is a possibility to download my new program - T9 Keyboard. This application bring back to Windows Phone feature that enables you to compose messages by using T9 dictionary. For each of [mark]28th supported languages[/mark] there have been prepared list of [mark]50000 the most used words[/mark]. From those words you are able to create messages. Of course each time you are able to add new words to the dictionary. For more information please visit portfolio page.

By |2013-09-01T15:40:04+02:0017 July 2013 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , , |2 Comments

Selling applications at Polish Windows Store

Every time when somebody asks me if it is possible to earn money by selling application on [mark]Windows Store[/mark] that are targeted on Polish users, I say that in most cases you are unable to do this. Polish people have quite specific attitude for buying mobile applications and their evaluations. Ideally, the app should be free and without ads. […]

By |2020-12-20T23:38:01+01:0030 April 2013 |Categories: Other|Tags: , , |5 Comments

4Developers conference materials

Below you can find links to materials from 4Developers conference: , , . In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

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