Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


SpeedDial 1.4

New version of SpeedDial is available to download. In new version you will find few new features. Moreover application speed has been improved. List of changes: - improved application performance, - changing the way of displaying contact list – in current version whole list of contacts is always displayed, - new functional ‘#’ key has been added – pressing ‘#’ key when on the list are some contacts will start calling to the first person on the list; when the list is empty, application will start to dial on number entered in search text box.

By |2012-10-26T13:15:04+02:0026 October 2012 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , |0 Comments

Kursy Walut 1.6

In this week new version of Kursy Walut should be available on Windows Phone Marketplace. The most important changes are: - new way of currency chart presentation, - the main interface simplification, - ads removal, - reduction of Internet connection usage, - possibility to define order in favourites currencies list – order in which currencies have been added to favourite list will remain.

By |2012-10-02T09:30:29+02:002 October 2012 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , |0 Comments

Interview with Nikola Mihaylov

This time I want to encourage you to watch video from Channel9. It is an interview with Nikola Mihaylov – the software developer of the Fantasia Painter. It is one of the best image editor available for Windows Phone. Like me, Nikola has a slight obsession with an application performance. During 24 minutes talk, we can find a lot of tips how to create high performance application on the Windows Phone platform.

By |2012-10-01T06:56:26+02:001 October 2012 |Categories: Other|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Encryption of XAP files

Microsoft has updated AppHub portal last week. New name has been introduced – Dev Center and some new functionalities have been added. The portal works much faster now. Let’s back to the main issue. With the new portal XAP files encryption has been introduced. From the perspective of end users the change is rather cosmetic and should not be noticed. However, if we look from developers (creating applications on Windows Phone) point of view this change seems to be very important. Until recently, developers were exposed on solution theft. Only few steps were required for that purpose: [list icon=”check”] installing [...]

By |2012-08-14T08:39:16+02:0014 August 2012 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , |0 Comments

Most important is the idea…

I think that everyone who develop and share its software do this to achieve profits in long term. For one person satisfaction can be a profit. Somebody else wants to earn some money. In the case of Windows Phone developer can earn money by selling its application or publish ads. Both ways are extremely simple to implement. The only one problem is to find great number of people who will use our application. After looking at the analysis of application on Windows Phone Marketplace, we can discover that list of people who have succeed is very short. Moreover, we cannot [...]

By |2019-03-10T17:06:21+01:008 June 2012 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , |0 Comments

Kursy Walut 1.3

Today I am pleased to announce publication of a new version of application Kursy Walut. New version of program has introduced new functions, that significantly enhance the comfort of working with the program. The most important are: add information about the level of exchange rate changes, the information about historical exchange rates, which can be presented in a chart or table, introducing currency converter, change the tiles on the home screen by more readable one, adding synchronization for archival currency rates.

By |2012-06-05T06:19:29+02:0030 March 2012 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , |0 Comments

SpeedDial 1.3

Some time ago there were two updates of application SpeedDial. Due to lack of time, the news of these events has been posted today. The biggest changes were made to the engine application. This resulted in, that the application runs much faster, from previous versions. In some cases the performance is more than one hundred times greater. […]

By |2012-06-04T23:06:04+02:0027 March 2012 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , |0 Comments

SpeedDial 1.1

Since yesterday there is a new version of program for the platform Windows Phone 7 – SpeedDial. In the version 1.1 the following changes have been introduced: start of application has been speeded up, after starting the dialling keyboard is displayed automatically, added ability to send text messages to unknown numbers, added ability to attaching to the start screen unknown number

By |2012-06-04T23:07:47+02:003 February 2012 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , |0 Comments
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