Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


FinOps Implementation — Fast-Track to the Benefits

Do you still remember how much time and how many approvals you needed to order new hardware for your organisation 10 years ago? The entire process was managed, in many cases, by a single person working in procurement. Today, the cloud is a natural choice for hosting your solutions. Every developer can now order a new cloud service on behalf of the organisation. These actions often happen without any approval processes. For the enterprise, it means that it is harder to predict and control their cloud infrastructure spending and manage their cloud costs. FinOps was introduced as a way for companies to [...]

By |2024-12-16T16:58:55+01:0016 November 2024 |Categories: Cloud|Tags: , |0 Comments

FinOps: Saving 7k EUR/month by 5 minutes action

When I am teaching about the cloud and especially when I am showing cost optimization, I am presenting an example of Troy Hunt Have I Been Pwned cost saving case. Troy by using Cloudflare as a caching solution and moving traffic outside of Azure, managed to reduce the cost of infrastructure below 1 USD per month. At the end of 2018, when he was describing this case, his page was supporting  141M monthly queries of 517M records. This is a brilliant example of how you should work with your cloud solutions. Source: https://www.troyhunt.com/serverless-to-the-max-doing-big-things-for-small-dollars-with-cloudflare-workers-and-azure-functions/ Looking at the latest news from Troy- [...]

By |2022-01-30T17:04:14+01:0030 January 2022 |Categories: Cloud|Tags: , |0 Comments
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