Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


Logging and monitoring cost of CosmosDB queries by using Application Insights

Each time when creating an application that is using document databases like CosmosDB we are facing a challenge of estimation of its costs and later optimisation. Both tasks are not so easy to do. To solve the first one we can use cost calculator. We just need to provide main characteristics of our solution (like a number of documents, information about actions per seconds, …) and also we need to provide sample documents that will be stored in our database. After doing that we will be able to read the estimated cost of our solution: […]

By |2019-03-03T23:32:37+01:003 March 2019 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Sending SMSes from Azure Functions v2 – Twilio

Please find the brief manual to sending SMSed by Twilio service in Azure Functions v2. The purpose of it is similar to text related to SendGrid case. In case of Twilio, you need to install Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Twilio NuGet package. After doing it, you should use the following code: using Twilio.Rest.Api.V2010.Account; using Twilio.Types; public static class SendNotificationSMS { [FunctionName("SendNotificationSMS")] public static void Run( [TwilioSms( From = "Assigned by Twilio number", Body = "...")] out CreateMessageOptions messageOptions) { messageOptions = new CreateMessageOptions( new PhoneNumber("Phone number to which you would like to send message")); } } Together with that, you should also add to [...]

By |2019-05-12T15:52:59+02:0018 November 2018 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Sending emails from Azure Functions v2 – SendGrid

Some time ago I described how you could integrate SendGrid service with Azure Functions (article: Sending emails from Azure Functions v2 – SendGrid link). Mentioned article is still valid in the scope of SendGrid service configuration. I need to add a part related to integration with Azure Functions v2. This version is generally available from the last few months and it introduced some architectural changes. In the previous version of functions (v1), the code that has been responsible for integration with different services providers was part of the runtime. Each time when Microsoft wanted to change something related to integration he needed [...]

By |2019-05-12T15:54:37+02:0018 November 2018 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

How to enable/disable Azure Function programmatically

Today I would like to write about something different. I am curious… Have you ever thought about enabling/disabling Azure Function by code? In such scenario, we would be able to decide about the state of the function directly from our application. I believe that you can find a lot of useful scenarios for such behaviour. I will provide two of them. The first one. We have some resource that is not so fast and we would like to reduce the frequency of using it during the day. In such scenario, we can use Azure Storage Queue as a buffer for [...]

By |2019-05-12T15:58:47+02:0027 June 2018 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , |14 Comments

I would like to invite you to September workshops

We still have few months to September but I would like to invite you to my workshops that will take place in that month. First of them - CosmosDB – Database for Serverless Era – is part of ProgNET London 2018. I will be conducting 3,5 hours workshop during the second day of the conference (13th September 2018). You will learn how to use CosmosDb in your Serverless solutions. I will start with a short introduction of this service, and will present most essential features of CosmosBD. Then you will be able to learn how you can store and query [...]

By |2019-03-10T16:38:10+01:0027 May 2018 |Categories: Conferences / Presentations|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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