Project Description
Program that allows speed dial.
SpeedDial is a solution for the most missed feature in Windows Phone. If you change an older mobile, which enables smart dialling, to Windows Phone you should miss this feature. This application has been developed to bring back this neat feature. And it provides much more.
SpeedDial allows to make quick call to each of your contacts. The first day of this application on your phone will be the last day of contact hub as a place which was used to find a number. SpeedDial provides you simple numeric dialling pad with full T9 support. Let’s say I want to call to Kamil. I need just to press following keys: 5 – K, 2 – A, 6 – M, 4 – I, 5 – L. In many cases you will not have to enter full name to find wanted contact. During typing you will see that founded patterns are marked. Please note that you can also search for a phone number and it is done in the same time as name search.
After founding wanted contact you can call him or send SMS. To make a call you just have to tap on the contact. To send SMS you have to hold finger for a moment on the contact.
If your contact is not on the list you can call on provided number by pressing headset icon.
This application has one more brilliant function. You can pin contact phone number as a tile in a start screen. After tapping it you will make a call to this person as fast as it is possible. When you finish the call application will return to a phone start view.
I think this application can gain some additional time for you. Please give it a try, and I am sure that you will love it.
- intelligent and fast global search among all contacts with phones numbers,
- highlighting matched text and number while searching,
- context menu allowing for call, SMS and pin to start view,
- live tiles support,
- calling to any number – even it is not in contact list,
- automatic contact synchronisation,
- T9 support,
- support for symbols from European languages (ą, ę, ż, ź, и, к, ы, etc.).
Due to Microsoft restrictions application cannot:
- dial any service code,
- dial any number without user confirmation.
- Splash Screen
- Tile Screen
- Main Screen
- Searching
- Context Menu
- Dialing
- Tips
List of changes
Version 1.9:
- new size of tiles,
- improvements in contacts refresh process,
- full support for phones with Windows Phone 8 operating system,
- support for new characters,
- some bugs have been fixed.
Version 1.8:
- reduction of application start time,
- added possibility to hide keyboard by pressing *,
- added support for Russian keyboard,
- added support for hardware keyboard,
- fixed ‘#’ key feature which was not working in some countries before.
Version 1.6:
- reduce application start time.
Version 1.4:
- improved application performance,
- changing the way of displaying contact list – in current version whole list of contacts is always displayed,
- new functional ‘#’ key has been added – pressing ‘#’ key when on the list are some contacts will start calling to first person on the list; when the list is empty, application will start to dial on number entered in search textbox.
Version 1.3:
- introducing a new way to search – the program in current version allows you to search by first name and surname. To search for Janusz Kowalski, you have to type Ja [space] Ko and the program should find the person.
Version 1.2:
- acceleration application startup and increase the search speed,
- fix errors that occurs during import contacts from your Google account.
Version 1.1:
- start of application has been speeded up,
- after starting the dialling keyboard is displayed automatically,
- added ability to send text messages to unknown numbers,
- added ability to attaching to the start screen unknown number.
Version 1.0:
- smart and fast search among all contacts with phone numbers,
- highlighting the pattern found in search results,
- context menu for calling, sending text messages and pining a contact to the start screen,
- support for live tiles,
- call to any contact, even from outside the list,
- automatic import of contacts,
- T9 when entering text,
- support for national symbols (ą, ę, ż, …).
W przypadku telefonów DualSIM dla każdego kontaktu można zdefiniować, przez którą kartę ma się odbywać połączenie.
Z tego co widzę to w SpeedDial każdorazowo przed wybraniem połączenia muszę sam ustawić by dzwonił przez 1 lub 2. Miło by było, gdyby program automatycznie podpowiadał to ustawienie zgodnie z tym co jest zdefiniowane dla wskazanego kontaktu.
Niestety na razie nie mona dodać takiej funkcjonalności -- system operacyjny Windows Phone nie wspiera takiej funkcjonalności z poziomu kodu aplikacji.
Zainstalowałem niedawno SpeedDial na Lumii 920 z WP 8.1 i jestem generalnie zadowolony, chociaż brakuje mi kilku funkcji. Chodzi o opcje, jakie pojawiają sie po przytrzymania palca nad kontaktem, bądź wpisem w historii. Przydałyby sie takie opcje, jak:
-- wyślij/udostępnij kontakt
-- kopiuj opis i nr do schowka
-- usuń z historii (np. gdy przypadkiem wybierzemy nr, ale odrzucimy przy pytaniu systemu o połączenie.
Można też dodać na kafelku Nazwę używanego Operatora (roaming krajowy, stosowany przez Play), zamiast nazwy aplikacji (skoro umieściłem kafelek na pulpicie, to raczej wiem, jakiej aplikacji używam 😉 ).
Intryguje mnie jeszcze różnica, pomiędzy wersjami Free i Pro.
Należę do grona tych, którzy mają świadomość, że 5, czy 10zł, to mniej, niż koszt wyjścia wieczorem z kumplem na piwo, dlatego warto zapłacić tyle za przydatną i funkcjonalną aplikację.
Dzięki za parę pomysłów, które można zrealizować w aplikacji.
Jeszcze jedna rzecz: SpeedDialer nie wyszukuje po “firmie” we włąściwościach kontaktu. Jak dla mnie, to bardzo ważny brak tego dialera!
Mam mnóstwo kontaktów służbowych, opisanych tylko nazwiskiem, a gdy go zapomnę przy wyszukiwaniu, szukam po nazwie firmy we właściwościach.
Hi Michal,
I just want to thank you ever so much for your
SpeedDial. That’s perfect job! I’m a programmer,
and l’m old user and fan of Nokia. So, I can
estimate this program completely. Now I use the
Nokia Lumia 920, and a regular dialing order
realized in this device is not comfortable.
Your SpeedDial just saved me! I’m pleased like
an elephant after bathroom 😀
So, thank you ever so much once more for
your gift.
I wish you all the luck in the computer world
and new successes in your work!
Best regards,
Alex Gostewski