Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl

Software development

Windows Phone 8.1 – Project my screen

Together with Windows Phone 8.1 update Microsoft has introduced new feature to Settings menu – Project my screen: Finally it will be a standard element of Windows Phone platform. From early beginning of Windows Phone ecosystem Microsoft has used this solution during presentations. Unfortunate this solution has not been officially available for other people in Windows Phone 7.x and 8.0. In some cases you could flash your device with not official software and then add additional drivers… Finally we would get the same feature but the device would not have official software on it. […]

By |2014-05-05T22:18:06+02:005 May 2014 |Categories: Software development|2 Comments

Veryfication of commit message in TortoiseSVN

Right now it is common to use version controlling system, continuous integration environment and some system for requirement management. Each day those tools are better but there are still plenty places for improvements. In current project I am using the following set of tools: JIRA + SVN + Jenkins. Also we decided to divide task to following categories: [list] stories defined by product owner / team submitted bugs, others. [/list] […]

By |2014-03-05T07:33:10+01:005 March 2014 |Categories: Software development|Tags: |0 Comments

Copy / Paste with Visual Studio vs. dark theme

Many people are customizing their Visual Studio. It is very easy and you can change almost everything. This is one of the first action that I am doing after reinstallation of Visual Studio. The other actions are: installation of Visual Studio updates and add-ins and also updating themes. Right now I would like to focus at themes. In my case I have changed my attitude to themes few times. When I started my adventure with Visual Studio I have used default theme. After a while I have changed it to dark one. And finally I have done my own – [...]

By |2014-02-04T21:28:01+01:004 February 2014 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , |0 Comments

Windows Phone: How to check if our application is run in an emulator?

From time to time there is a need to check how our application is being started – in emulator or in real device? To do this we need just to execute the following code: if (Microsoft.Devices.Environment.DeviceType == DeviceType.Emulator) { MessageBox.Show("Application has been started in emulator."); } With this knowledge we can change the way of our application’s behaviour on different type of devices. For example if our application is started in emulator we can use different settings for test purposes. Even more we can forbid our application to run on emulator. This feature can be useful also when we [...]

By |2014-01-13T22:28:54+01:0013 January 2014 |Categories: Software development|Tags: |0 Comments

Keyboard shortcuts in WP8 emulator

Below you can find the list of keyboard’s shortcuts that can be used in Windows Phone 8 emulator: - F12 (first press) – turns off and locks the display,- F12 (second press) – shows lock screen,- Page Down – enables to use keyboard connected to PC in emulator,- Page Up – disables to use keyboard connected to PC in emulator,- F1 – simulates pressing Back button,- F2 – simulates pressing Start button,- F3 – simulates pressing Search button.

By |2013-09-01T15:39:52+02:0025 July 2013 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , |0 Comments

Dev Center for 19$

Once again Microsoft is trying to attract developers to its platform by reducing original price for developer account to 19$. This promotion will be valid till 27th August 2013. I encourage people who would like to start developing applications for Windows Phone platform to consider using this promotion. This price is also attractive for developers whose account is almost expired. More details can be found at Dev Center web page.

By |2013-09-01T15:40:32+02:002 July 2013 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , |0 Comments

Secure your code

Software piracy has become the scourge of our times. We are downloading from Internet everything: – music,- books,- movies,- software. The worst is that the Polish society accepts that behaviour. A few years ago, the normal situation was to install illegal OS by computer shops when you purchase PC. Due to larger number of controls that behaviour has been stop. There was too much to lose by shops. Right now similar situation is with mobile applications. Sometimes I am surprised that people can spend over than an hour to find somewhere app that cost 1 euro. What is more strange, [...]

GUID + VS2012 + R#

Sometimes really small features that are implemented in add-ins can make developer feel happy. This small features can speed up software development process. Last time I had to prepare an application installer – I have chosen WiX. In this solution you need to add to each element in installer GUID. Hopefully I am using R# with Visual Studio 2012. And the R# generates GUIDs out of the box. You only need to enter [mark]nguid[/mark], press [mark]tab[/mark] button and choose proper format.

By |2013-05-28T10:32:43+02:0028 May 2013 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

dynamic – Code review

With each new version of .net framework Microsoft tries to add some new elements to the language, which in theory should improve the possibilities of language and comfort of the software developer. In .net 4.0 new keyword – [mark]dynamic[/mark] – has been introduced. This type enables the operations that will be resolved at run time. It means that we can use any name with dynamic object and compiler will not show any error during compilation – even if there is no method with used signature. The error will occur when the running application will not find used method. [...]

By |2013-05-14T12:48:47+02:0014 May 2013 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , |5 Comments
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