Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl

Software development

EntityFramework – asynchronous queries unit tests

Sometime ago I described how we can use Moq to unit tests elements of DbContext – please check post Mocking DbContext and DbSet with Moq. Unfortunate that post didn’t covered all issues related to that topic. I didn’t write about unit tests asynchronous queries. Today I want to come back to this issue. We can treat a previous post as a starting point. We already have some code that help us to mock DbSet<T>. And right now we will extend that code to support asynchronous queries. It is very easy. We need only to implement IDbAsyncQueryProvider interface: public class InMemoryAsyncQueryProvider<TEntity> : IDbAsyncQueryProvider { private readonly IQueryProvider innerQueryProvider; [...]

By |2017-03-05T09:04:23+01:005 March 2017 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , |0 Comments

Upgrade from ASP.NET Core 1.0.x to 1.1

New version of .NET Core 1.1 has been published on 17th November. Together with it new versions of ASP.NET and EntityFramework have been introduced. I wanted to update my application to new framework. I thought that it will be very easy. Unfortunate my application didn’t start after update. Moreover it didn’t even compile. Let’s start from the beginning. The first thing you need to do is downloading and installing new SDK and Runtime. You will find installers on .NET Core Downloads webpage. […]

By |2017-02-22T19:50:53+01:0022 February 2017 |Categories: Software development|Tags: |0 Comments

.net DD 2016 – materials

Since few weeks ago it is possible to watch sessions from .NET DeveloperDays 2016 on YouTube channel. I think that the best speaker of that conference edition was Ted Neward. I recommend his closing keynote session. It was really great. It is hard to say that this session was technical one. I would rather say that it was more philosophical. During it Ted showed importance of context in scope of taking correct decisions. He provided a lot examples that showed difficultness of taking this one correct solution / decision. It is hard to describe it. I recommend you to watch it.

By |2019-03-10T16:49:45+01:0029 January 2017 |Categories: Software development|Tags: |0 Comments


I would like to introduce a new small library that I published – FluentValidation.Validators.UnitTestExtension. Main purpose of this library is to extend and simplify possibilities of testing code that is using FluentValidation package. You can install it by nuget: Install-Package FluentValidation.Validators.UnitTestExtension or download it from GithHub. One of approach of testing Fluent rules is presented in FluentValidation wiki page. You can find there information that FluentValidation comes with two extension methods ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor and ShouldNotHaveValidationErrorFor that can make it easier to write unit tests for validators. […]

Lightning talk – Autofixture

I would like to encourage you to download and go through presentation from lighting talk about AutoFixture library. Main purpose of this library is to minimize the ‘Arrange’ phase of unit tests in order to maximize maintainability. Presentation is available on GitHub – AutoFixture - Lightning talk. You will find there description of main features of this library. Moreover, presentation contains short comparison AutoFixture with other available solutions. Of course on GitHub you will find code used in presentation.

PDF Combiner 1.7

In the newest version of PDF Combiner I introduced the following changes: - changed way of files combining - improved behavior of keys: Move up and Move down - fixed layout issues when application is working on Windows with not standard DPI settings - added protection for accidentally overwriting source files. The newest version of application can be downloaded from application page.

By |2019-03-10T17:17:43+01:005 April 2016 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , |0 Comments

StyleCop SA0120 error with Visual Studio 2015

It is quite common that you will find some issues during updating development environment to a newer version – in this case to Visual Studio 2015. In projects that use StyleCop for code analysis you can get SA0120 CSharp.CsParser error. It seems that it is internal StyleCop error. You are not able to find information about SA0102 error in StyleCop warning messages’ documentation. It is good that this error will not occur after opening project in Visual Studio 2015. It will occur after your will use some features introduced in C# 6.0. I think that most of us should be [...]

By |2017-08-20T17:21:17+02:0017 December 2015 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

PDF Combiner 1.6

In the newest version of PDF Combiner I introduced following changes: - added support for PDF documents that have been created according to the newest PDF document standard - added possibility to merge documents which opening is protected with password - added possibility to copy more detailed error information to Windows clipboard. The newest version of application can be downloaded from application page.

By |2019-03-10T17:17:51+01:0018 September 2015 |Categories: Software development|Tags: |2 Comments

Free UI controls from Telerik

Due to the TechEd 2014 conference Telerik decided to organize interesting promotion. The company is giving away for free the following products: - UI for Windows Phone, - UI for Windows 8 – XAML, - UI for Windows 8 – HTML. You just need to go to Telerik webpage and fill the form. And that is all. If you have already Telerik account the licenses will be added to it in few minutes.

By |2017-08-20T17:21:09+02:0013 May 2014 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , |2 Comments

Windows Phone 8.1 – backward compatibility

According to Microsoft assurances applications that have been provided for Windows Phone 8.0 should also work with phones updated to Windows Phone 8.1. In most cases it is true. But sometimes small changes in OS can cause that application will not work as we expected. In my case issues occurred in SpeedDial / SpeedDial Pro apps. The Windows Phone’s SDK didn’t change in that area and both applications source code compiled correctly without any errors. Unfortunate Microsoft has changed behaviour of OS. In this case issues were generated because PhoneCallTask is working a bit differently than in Windows Phone 8.1. [...]

By |2014-05-12T22:26:14+02:0012 May 2014 |Categories: Software development|Tags: |0 Comments
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