Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


T9 Keyboard 1.4

In the next few days new update for T9 Keyboard will be available. The most important update is improvement in prediction algorithm. Current implementation works 30% faster than previous one. Moreover user is able to decide how result should be presented – user can prioritize words with the same length as entered text.

By |2014-03-07T23:20:12+01:007 March 2014 |Categories: Projects|Tags: |5 Comments

SpeedDial and SpeedDial Pro 1.9

Please be informed that you can download new version of applications SpeedDial and SpeedDial Pro. In both applications following changes have been implemented: - new size of tiles,- improvements in contacts refresh process,- full support for phones with Windows Phone 8 operating system,- support for new characters,- some bugs have been fixed.

By |2013-12-22T12:33:04+01:0022 December 2013 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , , |0 Comments

T9 Keyboard 1.1

In next few days new version of application will be available in Windows Phone Store. Below you can find the important changes: - 3 new languages (Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian),- add unknown number as a recipient,- removal of national characters from message,- more ergonomic space button,- possibility to copy entered message,- improved algorithm.

By |2013-09-01T15:35:47+02:0014 August 2013 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , , |0 Comments

T9 Keyboard 1.0

Since last Thursday there is a possibility to download my new program - T9 Keyboard. This application bring back to Windows Phone feature that enables you to compose messages by using T9 dictionary. For each of [mark]28th supported languages[/mark] there have been prepared list of [mark]50000 the most used words[/mark]. From those words you are able to create messages. Of course each time you are able to add new words to the dictionary. For more information please visit portfolio page.

By |2013-09-01T15:40:04+02:0017 July 2013 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , , |2 Comments

Kursy Walut nominated for application of the year

Kursy Walut has been nominated for application of the year at Appaward.pl. If you are satisfied with work of that application please vote on it. Voting takes place on the Appaward.pl website. Please note that you only need to enter the site. Then you need to press Zaloguj się aby móc głosować button and vote.

By |2015-10-06T23:40:00+02:0013 March 2013 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , |0 Comments

SpeedDial 1.4

New version of SpeedDial is available to download. In new version you will find few new features. Moreover application speed has been improved. List of changes: - improved application performance, - changing the way of displaying contact list – in current version whole list of contacts is always displayed, - new functional ‘#’ key has been added – pressing ‘#’ key when on the list are some contacts will start calling to the first person on the list; when the list is empty, application will start to dial on number entered in search text box.

By |2012-10-26T13:15:04+02:0026 October 2012 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , |0 Comments

Kursy Walut 1.6

In this week new version of Kursy Walut should be available on Windows Phone Marketplace. The most important changes are: - new way of currency chart presentation, - the main interface simplification, - ads removal, - reduction of Internet connection usage, - possibility to define order in favourites currencies list – order in which currencies have been added to favourite list will remain.

By |2012-10-02T09:30:29+02:002 October 2012 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , |0 Comments
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