Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


1.2 billion new smartphones in 2013

You should start working at your one million dollar application. The revolution which has begun few years ago is still pushing us forward. According to Gartner in this year [mark]821 million of new smartphones[/mark] will be bought. In next year this number will increase by 45% to [mark]1.2 billion[/mark]. In 2012 smartphones will take 70% of whole new mobile phone sold at market. In the nearest future almost all of us will carry smart phone in a pocket. The second branch of mobile market that have not conquered market are tablets. Sales of this product in this year should reach [...]

By |2012-11-19T11:58:10+01:0019 November 2012 |Categories: Other|Tags: |0 Comments

1000 hours of programming and the game was complete

The game development has been quite easy some time ago. Below you can find quote describing how game Pitfall has been created. I sat down with a blank sheet of paper and drew a stick figure in the centre. I said, ‘Okay, I have a little running man and let’s put him on a path’ (two more lines drawn on the paper). ‘Where is the path? Let’s put it in a jungle’ (draw some trees). ‘Why is he running?’ (draw treasures to collect, enemies to avoid and so on). And Pitfall! was born.” The man became known as Pitfall Harry. [...]

By |2013-09-01T15:46:52+02:007 November 2012 |Categories: Other|1 Comment

Developers’ account almost for free

New product of Microsoft – Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 – has premiere this week. Since yesterday developers can download the Windows Phone 8 SDK. In addition to this two events Microsoft has announced that over next eight days developers [mark]can register for a Dev Center account for just $8[/mark]. The original price is $99. At beginning developers will be charged $99 and then in the next 45 days the difference will be refunded. More details can be founded at Microsoft web page.

By |2020-12-20T23:37:59+01:0031 October 2012 |Categories: Other|Tags: , |1 Comment

MTS 2012

Only few days left to start of MTS conference. I hope that everybody who wanted to join the conference have managed to register on the presentation that I will have pleasure to lead – [mark]The devil is in the details – building high-performance applications for Windows Phone[/mark]. It will start at 14.30 in second day of the conference. It will be placed in room E. During the presentation I will try with my friend to convince the audience that the micro optimisations can significantly improve application performance. We will show two examples that have been taken from real projects and [...]

By |2012-10-26T13:20:45+02:0026 October 2012 |Categories: Conferences / Presentations, Other|Tags: , |0 Comments

Interview with Nikola Mihaylov

This time I want to encourage you to watch video from Channel9. It is an interview with Nikola Mihaylov – the software developer of the Fantasia Painter. It is one of the best image editor available for Windows Phone. Like me, Nikola has a slight obsession with an application performance. During 24 minutes talk, we can find a lot of tips how to create high performance application on the Windows Phone platform.

By |2012-10-01T06:56:26+02:001 October 2012 |Categories: Other|Tags: , , |0 Comments

New things in Windows Phone 8

Yesterday, Microsoft announced a new version of Windows Phone. Those of you, who expected revolutionary information, may feel slightly disappointed. Microsoft has confirmed only all information that has been already published on the Internet as rumours. The key message was presented at the end of conference – Windows Phone 7 devices will not receive a full update to Windows Phone 8. There will be only update to something what is called Windows Phone 7.8. This version should look and behave like Windows Phone 8. Unfortunately this will not be full version of Windows Phone 8. I also wonder how that [...]

By |2019-03-10T17:04:37+01:0021 June 2012 |Categories: Other|Tags: , |0 Comments

Microsoft Surface

The week of premiers has begun. Microsoft unveiled two products from Surface family. These products are two tablets running under control of Windows 8 system. I encourage you to familiarize with the recording of the event. It contains more details about mentioned products. It seems to me that this is the first product of Microsoft that can compete with Apple products. What do you think? […]

By |2019-03-10T17:07:21+01:0019 June 2012 |Categories: Other|Tags: , |0 Comments

Godmode in LiveBox

Would seem, that such an act as to define a static IP address on the basis of number of MAC in the XXI century should not cause any problems. Until recently, I thought, that the market will not find router, that does not have such functionality, and here recently I had to do such a thing in LiveBox. Going through the standard menu, I have not found any function, which would allow it. As is usual in this type of problems I reached for Google. And yes there were many solutions, but most of them were based on the telnet [...]

By |2012-05-18T07:24:14+02:003 January 2011 |Categories: Other|Tags: , , |2 Comments

MTS 2010 – my thoughts

Last week was a conference MTS 2010. This was my second trip to the MTS and to be honest I’m slightly disappointed it. If I compare it to the last year it falls on far worse. First of all, I am a little sorry for the organizers. It seems to me, that the ICJ has lost some its character. A year ago I had the feeling, that I came to one big family, if you can call it that. There was a time for everything. You could see a lot of interest. Especially if you saw rooms full of people [...]

By |2012-06-14T23:58:42+02:0012 October 2010 |Categories: Other|Tags: |0 Comments
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