Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl

Conferences / Presentations

My first million – how you can make your mobile app profitable – version 2019

It is becoming a tradition that on one of the InfoMeet session I am presenting an updated talk about mobile app development. And it happened again, during InfoMeet Katowice during last weekend. Thank you everybody for coming to my session. To find updated presentation please click on this link.

Changing language of your all slides in presentation – spellchecker in PowerPoint

I wonder how often you are struggling with a small issue that is very irritating and there is a low chance of solving it or at least you do not see any potential for addressing it. For me, such a thing was PowerPoint spellchecker. Right now, I would say that most of your presentation should be done in English and this is a natural choice for me. And there is a small issue related to PowerPoint. Microsoft application is not perfect and it has small issues with languages: […]

By |2018-07-27T19:20:11+02:0027 July 2018 |Categories: Conferences / Presentations|Tags: |12 Comments
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