Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


Serverless Azure – Environment preparation

Progressive .NET 2017 conference is almost there. During the conference I will be conducting workshop regarding Serverless Azure. You should prepare your computers to be able to gain as much knowledge as it is possible from workshop. Please install or organise the following elements: Azure account on which you will be able to work. Of course, it can be a test account. Visual Studio Code Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3.x with Azure Functions Tools for Visual Studio extension installed azure-functions-core-tools Azure Storage Explorer Postman. Unfortunately, without those tools it will be hard for you to take part in this workshop. [...]

By |2019-05-12T16:05:43+02:0022 August 2017 |Categories: Conferences / Presentations|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Mocking API with Azure Functions

The biggest advantage of Azure Functions is reducing time-to-market of our application. We can also use them to make prototyping more effective. From some time you are able to define mock of our function in Azure Portal. Function defined as mock will respond on request according to its configuration. I believe that this solution has a great potential. It can be very useful in all sort of application’s prototyping activities. You just need to define our end point and its response. And that is all. You can start using it in you prototype. So you define correct connections in your application [...]

By |2017-07-13T19:01:28+02:0013 July 2017 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

Is it now time for a change?

Career is a great topic for different kind of guides. Let’s be serious. I wonder how often are you thinking about it? Do you have plan for it or maybe do you have defined some milestones? And finally do you monitor your career? This topic can be seen as trivial. I have a job which I am happy with. Moreover my position is set there and I am in my comfort zone. First problems occur in situation when you are trying to change your job. It will be more dramatic in each situation when you will be forced to do [...]

By |2017-07-04T18:46:51+02:005 July 2017 |Categories: Careers management|Tags: , |1 Comment

Serverless Azure – Progressive .NET 2017

I would like to invite you to my new workshop – Serverless Azure. First of them will be conducted during Progressive .NET 2017 conference. It will took place in London on 14th September 2017. During 3.5 hours of workshops you will learn how to use Azure platform to build serverless applications. Through different examples, you will explore on Azure Functions and Azure Logic Apps. You will discover how easy it is to build and integrate your applications. Finally, you will learn how to build, deploy, manage and monitor your application. Together with examples, I will point out main pros and cons [...]

Azure Functions – Lessons learned

Nowadays all topics related to Cloud and Serverless terms have become very popular. One of such elements are Azure Functions. Microsoft defines it as: Azure Functions is a solution for easily running small pieces of code, or “functions,” in the cloud. You can write just the code you need for the problem at hand, without worrying about a whole application or the infrastructure to run it. Functions can make development even more productive, and you can use your development language of choice, such as C#, F#, Node.js, Python or PHP. Pay only for the time your code runs and trust [...]

By |2019-05-12T16:07:34+02:006 June 2017 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

FluentValidation.Validators.UnitTestExtension version 1.1

I just managed to publish new version of packgage FluentValidation.Validators.UnitTestExtension. This package allows you to write unit tests for Fluent Validators in more effective way. With version 1.1 following changes have been introduced: support for new version of FluentValidation 7.* new verifiers that check configuration of ScalePrecisionValidator and RegularExpressionValidator. More information about project is available on GitHub.

By |2017-06-04T18:35:41+02:004 June 2017 |Categories: Projects, Testing|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

I am writing a good code – InfoMEET Katowice 2017 – Materials

Please find source code and presentation related to my presentation on GitHub in repository InfoMEET-2017-Katowice. In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

I am writing good code – InfoMEET Katowice 2017

On this Saturday (20.05) you will be able to listen to me on  InfoMEET Katowice 2017. Subject of my presentation is I am writing good code – how you should protect code quality in your project? During presentation I will explain what software quality means and show you how you can easily increase its level. But this is not all. I will focus on practical part and I will show you how tools can help us with taking care of our code. We will learn how you should do it in effective way. So you could gain the biggest benefit [...]

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