Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


Veryfication of commit message in TortoiseSVN

Right now it is common to use version controlling system, continuous integration environment and some system for requirement management. Each day those tools are better but there are still plenty places for improvements. In current project I am using the following set of tools: JIRA + SVN + Jenkins. Also we decided to divide task to following categories: [list] stories defined by product owner / team submitted bugs, others. [/list] […]

By |2014-03-05T07:33:10+01:005 March 2014 |Categories: Software development|Tags: |0 Comments

How to encourage people to review your app?

Two weeks ago I wrote an article concerning preparation of elements that will be presented in Windows Store. In that article I promised that I will share with you my knowledge how to encourage people to review your application more often. This is very easy issue. We have two sides. On one side is a developer who would like to get a lot of positive review of his application. On the other side we have an user. Sometimes it is young person who knows all features of smartphone very well. But it can be also somebody older who uses smartphone [...]

By |2014-02-26T07:18:46+01:0025 February 2014 |Categories: Mobile applications|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Unusual way of controlling the application

It seems that we have seen already all ways of controlling our application. But sometimes you can find new approach for already known issues. As an example we should look at innovative way of controlling application used in Sax app. This is next application that is simulating some musical instrument. It this case it is a saxophone. But in this case you use the whole phone to control the application. As it is in other apps you need to tap the screen to get some sounds. The new thing is adding gyroscope to this process. Each change of the position of [...]

By |2019-03-10T16:53:12+01:0018 February 2014 |Categories: Mobile applications|Tags: , |0 Comments

How successfully increase number of downloads of our application?

I hear this question from other developers very often. I think the answer is really easy – we just need to prepare good application. But sometimes this is not enough. Sometimes even very good application has some problems with getting to the top of rankings. We should always remember that in Windows Store there are numerous of other apps that we need to beat. […]

By |2014-02-25T08:49:14+01:0012 February 2014 |Categories: Mobile applications|Tags: , |2 Comments

Copy / Paste with Visual Studio vs. dark theme

Many people are customizing their Visual Studio. It is very easy and you can change almost everything. This is one of the first action that I am doing after reinstallation of Visual Studio. The other actions are: installation of Visual Studio updates and add-ins and also updating themes. Right now I would like to focus at themes. In my case I have changed my attitude to themes few times. When I started my adventure with Visual Studio I have used default theme. After a while I have changed it to dark one. And finally I have done my own – [...]

By |2014-02-04T21:28:01+01:004 February 2014 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , |0 Comments

Windows Phone: How to check if our application is run in an emulator?

From time to time there is a need to check how our application is being started – in emulator or in real device? To do this we need just to execute the following code: if (Microsoft.Devices.Environment.DeviceType == DeviceType.Emulator) { MessageBox.Show("Application has been started in emulator."); } With this knowledge we can change the way of our application’s behaviour on different type of devices. For example if our application is started in emulator we can use different settings for test purposes. Even more we can forbid our application to run on emulator. This feature can be useful also when we [...]

By |2014-01-13T22:28:54+01:0013 January 2014 |Categories: Software development|Tags: |0 Comments

SpeedDial and SpeedDial Pro 1.9

Please be informed that you can download new version of applications SpeedDial and SpeedDial Pro. In both applications following changes have been implemented: - new size of tiles,- improvements in contacts refresh process,- full support for phones with Windows Phone 8 operating system,- support for new characters,- some bugs have been fixed.

By |2013-12-22T12:33:04+01:0022 December 2013 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Mobile application – there is no problem with its development but how can I sell it?

Right now everybody can develop mobile application. It is not a problem to find somebody how will do it even for us. The cost of needed tools and knowledge is so low that more people are trying to create new mobile application. And then they are trying to sell it. At the beginning it seems that selling mobile application is quite easy task. But it is not true. I find confirmation of that sentence in emails. Quite often I get emails with similar question about sale model of mobile applications. In most cases the question is as following: [...]

By |2017-11-19T15:07:19+01:009 December 2013 |Categories: Mobile applications|Tags: |2 Comments
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