Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl

Michał Jankowski


About Michał Jankowski

Microsoft MVP Azure, an architect, designer, team leader and trainer. He began programming in the early ’90s from Basic and Assembler for 8-bit computers. During most of his career, he was delivering .NET platform targeted application for the world’s largest companies. Currently, he is specialising in the development of web applications and Azure environment. A great enthusiast of software craftsmanship, unit testing, software design and other topics related to software development. In his free time, when he is not playing with the code, he likes travelling, photography and writing a technical blog.

How to sell applications for Windows Phone 7

Today I want to move on selling the applications written for Windows Phone 7. It seems to me, that each person creates any software wants, in addition to the satisfaction of doing something useful, obtain financial benefits. Depending on the model of sales, there are different ways to make the applications developed. However, the, in the case of phones with Windows Phone 7 the most common are the following two: ads, sales of Windows applications Phone Marketplace. In this article I would like to address specifically the second way – sales application Windows Phone Marketplace. […]

By |2013-06-10T14:01:07+02:0029 June 2011 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , |6 Comments

Hardware keyboard emulation in Windows Phone 7

Sometimes a little can significantly improve mood. This thing today was the discovery of a hardware keyboard emulation in the emulator Windows Phone 7. This feature allows you to enable the ability to type characters into the emulator using an ordinary computer keyboard instead of the screen. To switch the keyboard, just press Pause / Break on a computer keyboard. At this point, should disappear visible on the screen keyboard emulation and receive the possibility to enter characters from the keyboard connected to your computer. This functionality is to allow the simulation of the hardware keyboard to open the phone [...]

By |2012-05-23T06:50:16+02:0013 June 2011 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , |0 Comments

Windows Phone will beat Google in 2013 year

According to a forecast prepared by Stela Bokun with Pyramid Research year 2013 to be a breakthrough for mobile system Windows Phone. This is the first time the system Microsoft Windows Phone to beat the system Google Android in terms of market share. Both the phones with the system BlackBerry OS and Apple iOS according to forecasts, will remain far behind the two leading players. […]

By |2012-05-23T06:34:05+02:0030 May 2011 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , , |1 Comment

Missing Main() method?

When creating an application WPF sometimes you need to write your own methods Main(). When viewing files in the walkthrough you come across files *.xaml and linking them *.xaml.cs and code files *.cs. Unless you need to do something is often not a standard is not necessary, to delve into different types of mechanisms. Such a mechanism could be the start application WPF. Recently I needed to add a custom method Main(). I thought, it will be simple – a new class and the code. Of course I checked earlier, whether this method has not been defined in the files [...]

By |2013-06-10T14:01:52+02:0020 May 2011 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Free .NET Reflector

Today I have good news. Yesterday the company announced the Red Gate, partly that it was withdrawing from the charge for the program. NET Reflector. It means, that existing users will be able to download and install version 6.8 which will receive a perpetual license. This version will be released in early May and will be the last freeware version. Since version 7 program will be entirely commercial, where the basic license now costs 35$. […]

By |2014-02-04T21:05:01+01:0027 April 2011 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

codingtv(); – Unusual way to blog

14 February 2011 launched a project called codingtv();. It is video-blog, the authors – Luke Gasior and Andrew Smith – demonstrate theirs vision of creating the application. The goal is a – authors want to create an application in the form of a simple blog. However, readers can observe the process to date. A novelty in this case is a form of, in which the authors present the progress of their work – video. No, authors abandoned the traditional approach in the form of posts written, and summarize the entries in the form of films. At each such entry is [...]

By |2012-06-15T22:08:53+02:003 April 2011 |Categories: Software development|Tags: |2 Comments

Application on two monitors

Currently, you can see more and more people working in offices on two or more monitors. Such work is more convenient and efficient. As a developer I would not be able to change back to one monitor. Therefore I see no contraindications, to write their own applications in a way, for working on multiple monitors. Of course this is not always feasible. […]

By |2016-01-29T18:29:34+01:0024 March 2011 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Polish language package for LightWord skin

Currently uses a theme blog LightWord. Language files contained in it were drawn up in 2009 year. Since then peel it was substantially modified. Continuing the battle with the English language on my blog again I translated this skin. Later in the news, you can find Polish language files for skins LightWord. […]

By |2017-09-21T21:09:39+02:0027 February 2011 |Categories: WordPress|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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