Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl

Michał Jankowski


About Michał Jankowski

Microsoft MVP Azure, an architect, designer, team leader and trainer. He began programming in the early ’90s from Basic and Assembler for 8-bit computers. During most of his career, he was delivering .NET platform targeted application for the world’s largest companies. Currently, he is specialising in the development of web applications and Azure environment. A great enthusiast of software craftsmanship, unit testing, software design and other topics related to software development. In his free time, when he is not playing with the code, he likes travelling, photography and writing a technical blog.

Windows Phone performance counters

When you are creating application you should always remember about its performance. Application should run smoothly, information about the change progress, response to user actions, etc. In the case of mobile platforms, this problem is even more serious. We are used now, that computers have more powerful multi-core processors, large amount of memory, or fast disk. What was once important in the software development process – the effectiveness of proposed solutions – are often not taken into account. Now, shortcomings in the code are being compensated for by efficient equipment. […]

By |2012-05-26T12:07:01+02:004 March 2012 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , |2 Comments

Windows Phone applications testing

Testing is a wide topic. Each developer has own point of view on this issue. Therefore, I do not want to take part in topics related to the ideology. But I want to share a little discovery. Recently reviewing my tracked resources I found a solution, which enables the automation of tests on the platform Windows Phone 7. One drawback of this solution is limited to testing only on the emulator, but on the other hand, during the automatic testing that are made on build server the phone will probably not be connected. The second drawback is the use of [...]

By |2020-12-20T23:38:43+01:003 February 2012 |Categories: Testing|Tags: , , |1 Comment

SpeedDial 1.1

Since yesterday there is a new version of program for the platform Windows Phone 7 – SpeedDial. In the version 1.1 the following changes have been introduced: start of application has been speeded up, after starting the dialling keyboard is displayed automatically, added ability to send text messages to unknown numbers, added ability to attaching to the start screen unknown number

By |2012-06-04T23:07:47+02:003 February 2012 |Categories: Projects|Tags: , |0 Comments

lock (this) – For and against

Recently reviewing the code I have found the following construction: lock (this) { // Do something } To synchronize access to shared resource object is used, in which this construction occur. Theoretically, this code is correct. What more, there was no problem with deadlock in the program. […]

By |2013-06-10T13:56:42+02:0013 January 2012 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , , |11 Comments

Vibrations in the application

Some small things, which are not needed in application, can add little charm to it. One of such a thing are vibrations. Vibration can be used in different ways. Vibrations can be used for example as: acceptance of user’s actions by the program’s activities, notification , that something has changed on the phone, sounds replacement, etc. This little things can cause, that the application will evaluate better. And as it turns out, adding this functionality is very easy. […]

By |2012-05-24T21:55:04+02:004 January 2012 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , |0 Comments

End of ChevronWp7 Labs

1 January 2012 was the last day with possibility to legally unlock phones with Windows Phone 7 with ChevronWP7 Labs. That day has been sold the last of the 10000 Tokens, which allowed to unlock phone for only 9$. Thus, the only legal way to unlock your phone is in an account on AppHub. Unfortunately, such an account cost 99$. At the moment there are no plans to reactivate the project.

By |2012-05-24T21:46:06+02:002 January 2012 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , |2 Comments

Windows Phone Fast Application Switching

With the new version of Windows Phone – Mango the program management model has been changed. Until now there were only four states in which the application could be. At the time of restarting the application developers had to take care every time, that all data have been re-loaded. This idea was to ensure that mobile phone will be high-performance device and it will work long on batteries. The idea was and still is very correct, but has been slightly modified. […]

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