- Please download the application to your device – Lab 1 - Sample webApp
- Please create WebApp in Azure
- Please deploy the downloaded application to your WebApp
- Try to open your web page
- Please correct WebApp settings
- Make it working always.
- Change environment to production – check if correct name is visible on the page
- Create a deployment slot
- Configure that deployment slot will have a different setting from a production app
- Change the title of your application and deploy to slot
- Set that 20% of traffic will be handled by application deployed on slot – check if your setting is working
- Swap slot to production and move whole traffic to the production
- Set up backup – once per day
- Scale-out application
- To three instances and check if it is working
- Set up autoscaling of your application
- After exercise, please remove your application
App Service – ListMichał Jankowski2019-01-23T20:08:05+01:00