2020 outline
The year 2020 brings many challenges to enterprises and their IT divisions. Every needed to adjust to pandemic reality. In many countries, lock-down has been introduced, and it changed our economic. Many organisations required to adapt quickly to survive.
In the scope of the IT division, it generated the enormous portion of the demand from business and additional workload. It was hard to support that demand. Every new request increased backlog. Not only it was hard to support those request by present resources. It was also challenging to find new employees on the market – there was a lack of available specialists, or people have skills gaps.
According to IT decision-makers, skills gaps will cost employers up to 416 hours and over $22,000 per employee, per year / 12 Challenges Facing IT Professionals
I am afraid that this gap will increase and we need to take actions and find the antidote for this situation.
Also, rapid changes in our economics do not help in this situation. Technology is not enough to provide a sustained competitive advantage. We need to find other types of professionals that can adjust very quickly. That person must use and select solutions that will support your enterprise business needs and allow to introducing innovations in an easy and fast way.
Of course, we need to remember about budgets. Missing resources on the market together with high demand will increase already high salaries of IT professionals. Then missing the right skill will request investments in training.
Can we avoid stuck in this situation?
I want to introduce the idea of low code platform to you. It is a new way of working on the application that is focused on business impact, inviting everybody to take part in making the application and using an agile method of work. Looking from a bit technical perspective, instead of writing tons of similar code, we are focusing on automation repeating actions – using already existing components and design application in language that is understood by everybody.
Let’s show you the top 5 reasons why your enterprise should adopt a low code development platform into the organisation.
Accelerate digital innovation and transformation
The most beneficial feature of low code application development platform is speed. You can deliver applications faster in a more efficient way. Your team, together with business, can be champions of innovation. You can do something not possible before. Delivering application/solution is a matter of weeks instead of months.
Please think about how it can support your innovation or digital transformation process. With this approach, you can test many ideas in a short time. And if something does not work, you can change or adjust so easy. It also means that you can reduce time to market of your idea, what definitely will increase your profit.
Together with the reduction of the cost of the projects – you can speed up application development even ten times. It allows your enterprise achieving extreme ROI level.
Reduce current IT backlog and increase responsiveness
Speed of low-code finally allows delivering as many applications as your enterprise needs. You will be able to forget about times when you needed to select and prioritise projects because of lack of enough capacity.
In low-code approach, you are building applications by using predefined components. It not only means that it is faster and more efficient. In also affects the quality of your application. During development, your team will reduce the number of spotted errors, and it will also decrease the testing effort.
Finally, it will generate time that your IT didn’t have before!
Escape legacy debt
All things together help you to escape legacy debt faster. You will be able to focus on business instead of thinking about how legacy systems are limiting you.
With delivering application every week in a few months, you can forget about your legacy system.
Reduce dependency on hard to hire technical skills
The next big thing is your team. Each year it is becoming harder to hire technical specialist with correct skill set.
There are 660 000 open job requisitions in the U.S. right now for software developers and only 75 000 graduating computer science majors. That’s 585 000 jobs that won’t get filled / Claris’ Nelson
If we can reduce our requirement to technical people then definitely we could solve this issue. In low-code it possible. It will not allow resigning from a highly-skilled technical specialist. There will be still needed for helping with more complicated topics, working with performance and security issues. Instead of that, you can change the proportion between highly skilled employees and people that will deliver applications. In most scenarios, the low-code application can be built by people that do not have a heavy technical background.
Enable business users to improve internal processes
Going forward with the last statement – it means that maybe you will not need to search for new people. Democratising of development movement allow you to empower people from outside IT organisation to become an innovator.
That can bring new opportunities to your organisation, help with digital transformation or business processes optimisation.
QuickBase estimated that 62% of citizen developers need less than two weeks to complete a new app. Additionally, 71% of the surveyed citizen developers managed to increase their app development speed by at least 50% within a year of usage / infopulse.com
Your people already know your business! And giving them the power to create any app that they need will increase your enterprise value and the possibility of being more efficient.
You can think, is this approach suitable for your organisation? I encourage you to try and check it. Just try it for two weeks, and then decide.
And is low-code something new? Should I afraid of it? No – we were building low-code approach from an early stage of software engineering. We didn’t use the low-code name at that time. Just a few examples – COBOL was created as a user-friendly language in the 1960s. Twenty years later, we introduced fourth-generation languages. In 2000s Visual Basic has been developed. And now in the 2020s, we are in the middle of a low-code revolution. Each of these examples was a niche at the beginning to which professional developers eventually migrated.
By 2023, over 50% of medium to large enterprises will have adopted an LCAP as one of their strategic application platforms. / Gartner / Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Low-Code Application Platforms
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