Polish society is using more often new technologies. Tablets and smartphones are not luxury devices any more. Those kinds of devices try to start revolution in our houses. In particular, we can see an example of such revolution in new start-ups. Many new start-up aims to create a new mobile product.

Unfortunately not always everything goes as it is planned. New start-ups try to help us with daily’s duties, e.g. to order taxi, food, tickets, …. In such scenarios the most important thing is a reliable business partner. But not only.

Last time I have decided to test pyszne.pl. Guys from this start-up are trying to help us with food ordering. They provided to us ability to order food by web site. By using this function we should save some time.

And this is the theory. Before I have used this portal for the first time I saw only advantages. I could pick a dish from large number of restaurants. All information can be founded in one place in Internet. I can check which pizzeria is near me and can bring me my order. And what is most important – I can pay by credit card on web page. Sometimes I do not have enough money with me.


Till now everything looks ok. I have decided to try it. First thing I didn’t like was the minimal cost of an order. For one person it is too much. But if we think about two people the minimal cost is ok. I have chosen something and I even managed to pay for it. The payment was the last thing that went ok.

After payment new message was shown on website – waiting for confirmation from restaurant. After few minutes this message changed to: please contact with restaurant. From now time saving has been lost. My pessimistic humour has been improved by lady from restaurant. She told me:

[quote]Uppss, I have forgotten to turn on our PC. I will call pyszne.pl and I will fix everything. Do not worry.[/quote]

Then after few more minutes lady from pyszne.pl called me as well. She told that right my order is being processed correctly. But I will need to wait a bit longer. I agreed on that – I was hungry with no money in my wallet.

Just a moment later a status on a website has been updated. My order should be delivered in 42 minutes. I was thinking – not bad. But then…. I have received SMS with information that my meal will be ready in 90 minutes.

Finally I have managed to eat my lunch after over 2 hours. According to information on pyszne.pl it should be delivered in 20 minutes. I think this is a good example how a great idea can be ruined by irresponsible partners.

Similar issue has been mentioned by Tomasz Poków on his session on infoShare 2013. Sometime ago I have recommended his session for watching. During presentation of his idea – Taxi5 – he was talking about first demonstration of application. It is a bit funny. He wasn’t afraid that an error will occur during the demo, but he wasn’t sure if person who was responsible for processing the request will receive it correctly and then will send a taxi.

This situation is weird. Right now it is not a problem to prepare ultra-new and revolutionary solution. The only problem is if we will be able to implement into life and if we will able to find trustworthy partners. Without those two issues we will not succeed in business.