Only few days left to start of MTS conference. I hope that everybody who wanted to join the conference have managed to register on the presentation that I will have pleasure to lead – [mark]The devil is in the details – building high-performance applications for Windows Phone[/mark]. It will start at 14.30 in second day of the conference. It will be placed in room E.
During the presentation I will try with my friend to convince the audience that the micro optimisations can significantly improve application performance. We will show two examples that have been taken from real projects and demonstrate forgotten hints that will allow to boost our application. You should be able to identify places with possible performance issues after watching our presentation.
Despite the fact, that the title of presentation suggests that it will only apply to Windows Phone devices, the guidance contained in it will be also valid for other platforms. The results may not be as spectacular as on Windows Phone, but certainly the application should work better after this changes.
MTS 2012 conference is also a chance to talk to experts and make new contacts. I encourage you to visit the Ask The Expert zone. I will try to be there from the early beginning. So if you have any questions connected with Windows Phone, I hope that I will be able to help you. To make sure that I will be there please send me an email.
See you!!!
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